A book about motorcycle clubs???
Got an email from an unknown writer last nite.
The guy wrote:
"Hi Just a few lines to outline my proposed book. First I will outline my background I have been riding bikes for most off my 44 years and have been involved in side patch clubs and some contact with backpatch clubs. I attend as many motorbike rallies’s and parties as possible both in the U.K.and Europe. About this book!! In the past bikers were all tarred with the same brush we were seen as a bunch of thugs with no interest in any one but our self’s and only think of number one. The outsiders see use as lawless animals who eat their young and if you look at us wrong we are going to kill you. One case I know of involves a member of a club in America who was out celebrating his engagement with his long time partner and was involved in an argument with two men. The two men held down and choked him to death. In court they were found not guilty as they thought if they let him up he would attack them. The police withheld the attackers name as they were in fear of reprisals from his club. “And they call us animals.!!!!!”
What we are looking for is input from clubs to show the real club member, no secrets just general information i.e.; club runs, rules, weddings most of all our life style, stories about other brothers in our club, good times and bad times. Don’t get me wrong most club members are like a rattle snake leave them alone and all is cool but push us and shit is going to happen. You would not slap a wolf with its pack watching so don’t cut me up when I am riding with my bro’s and expect to get away with it!!!!
F.T.W. yeah we all feel the same way, as long as we have our bro’s in the club, a full tank and an open road nothing can bother us.
We will let all clubs proof read anything that refers to their club so not to allow possible or future infringement on the specific club's rights.
Respects and ride free"
Well, he was pretty honest wif us so we wrote back..."Piss off!"...well not really. We said we would consider...
Will post here if anything develops.
Ride well you freedom riders out there. Enjoy the comfort and safety SIN CITY offers you. Take it for granted man... Some day your time will come...then prepare to die you.
His reply...
Dear sir
The response to the book has been a bit of an eye opener in many ways, some clubs think its best to just say no to taking part in this book part due to journalists taking “the piss”in the past.
Well respect to them for returning my e-mails, one world famous club just e-mailed me and all that it said was “ fuck off” I take this to signify that that they don’t want their club name to be used. Some have e-mailed me saying they don’t want their club name used but will let me use stories about them if I change names and places. Plus I will use some of my own experiences in this book. I am a member of a group close biker friends that have formed a small club in the north east of England, I am known as Sumo cos I am about 350lbs and some of our experiences only another biker would believe.
If your club wishes to take part in this book there are some things I need. First is the permission of all the members in your club only then will I use your club name. After that if one or two members of your club could give me a personal profile and maybe some photos, if you wish I will delete all faces on the photos. Then could you answer some of these questions.
Ø How long has your club been going?
Ø Where are you based?
Ø How do you choose a new member?
Ø Are you a mixed race and religion club?
Ø What bikes do you ride?
Ø What is the average age of your members?
Ø Do you allow women in you club, if not why?
Ø Do you allow none bike riders in your club?
Ø Do you have a club house?
Ø Do you have a web site?
Ø Where are your best roads for ride outs?
Ø Where are your worse roads for ride outs?
Ø Do you visit other clubs in your country?
Ø Do you have links with foreign clubs?
Ø What are your dislikes in bike clubs?
You may answer any of the questions you like. Again I must stress if you do not want your club name used in the book then I will withhold it. I will only use any material referring to your club after you have o.k.ed it first
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